Write-ups on Preferred and High-Yield Stocks

In the papers listed below you will find information about fixed and variable high-income stocks.  All of these derive their income and value from debt in contrast to equity. 

Total Return: Income and Price Change 
      Income PrChg.pdf   April 29, 2024
This six-page update contrasts income returns and unrealized returns from price change over seventeen quarters. It also shows our dramatic increase in allocation to income.

Showing Income Separately from Price Variation on Total Returns
      Low Risk High Yields.pdf   January 29, 2024
This seven-page paper not only shows income results over the past three years, but has charts showing the comparison of income results to price-alone results. The picture is dramatic. I've never seen charts before that contrast income and only price. The paper gives background on reasons why we have shifted so heavily to high-income and away from endeavors to do better than the overall market based on price changes, or even ride the market.

Business Processes for Buying and Managing Preferred and Other High-Dividend Stocks
      High Dividend Investment Process.pdf  July 15, 2023
Ever wonder what information to use in picking preferred stocks? Ever wonder how to organize that information into a selection and management process? This brief paper provides details, including fields and Excel formulas, on how I go about selecting, buying and then managing high-dividend portfolios. Of course if you don't want to do it yourself, this gives a picture of what you might be paying me to do...

Considerations in Allocating Between Fixed Income and Price Appreciation
      Comparing Yields and Gains.pdf  March 31, 2023
How should one balance fixed income and preferred stocks against investments for price appreciation? How does one calculate strictly income returns in order to properly compare them to returns from price appreciation strategies based on market valuations? Feedback is invited.

Transcript of AAII Presentation
      Preferreds AAII Talk.pdf 2-18-2021
A presentation to the Twin Cities Chapter of AAII (American Association of Individual Investors) went awry when as presenter I couldn't get on the Zoom platform, and then couldn't load my visuals from which I planned to give my presentation. I did give a presentation however.

Files for Investment Groups
      January 2121
1. For a chance to review locked-in results before going to all the work and risk of creating a preferred portfolio review the Performance Summary for Yield-on-Cost and Yield-to-Call. The Client Letter for Fourth Quarter 2020 provides further elaboration.
       Client Letter 2020-Q4.pdf

2. Some of this is redundant I know, but sometimes coming at things from another angle helps put the pieces together.
       Letter on preferreds to former clients.pdf
3. Doug Le Du's ten criteria in CDx3 for selecting preferred stocks
       Compliance Criteria.pdf

I'd be glad to walk through these individually on Zoom or discuss on the phone. I'd also be glad to show you a recent buy list on Zoom and interpret the criteria used for various risk and tax profiles. It is easier to create a buy list if you know what it should look like when you get there.