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Abby Skijouring

Health Finance


Why Unprepared?

           March 29, 2020.  Why unprepared.pdf

In spite of all the warnings, why are we unprepared for the current pandemic?  Why didn't we listen and act?  We have a private healthcare delivery system funded by insurance that is not paid to fund research or maintain surge capacity.  Insurance is for things we can't do anything about except to pay afterwards.  Our medical delivery system functions as an insurance system.  What good is an insurance payment if it is too late, you already have the disease and treatment is not available?  Insurance is the problem, not the solution.


It Matters What We Call It

         February 12, 2020.  Insurance card.pdf

Calling a health plan insurance is not only inaccurate and sloppy, it frames the financial incentives to reward services to treat  disease and injury rather than targeted towards health as a goal.  We need to eliminate the whole claims process as inefficient and not aligned with health.  It matters that we call it health insurance when it isn't.


Chronic Healthcare is Not an Insurable Risk

          July 3, 2018    Chronic Healthcare System Design.pdf

Amidst the dissatisfaction with the healthcare delivery systems in the United States, many would-be designers want to tweak operational details while leaving the dysfunctional premises intact.  Here is a summary analyzing why it doesn't work to try to insure an uninsurable risk, with an outline for a more viable system built on solid premises.  Consulting services are offered.   


Yes, But is it Health Insurance?

          January 3, 2011      Yes But is it health insurance MISF.pdf

Many economists, politicians and commentators mention that going forward, the costs of Medicare and other medical services are the biggest threat to our economy.  Well, I wrote a paper about how to think out the solution, and here it is!  If you like thinking from new perspectives and alternative paradigms, this is for you.  I sent it to former Senator David Durenberger, now chair of the National Institute of Health Policy at the University of St. Thomas, and he replied, "I took a great deal from your article 'yes, but is it health insurance.'  I am going to use it in my health policy class.  And probably on other occasions. It is ahead of its time, certainly way ahead of the current reforms which are important, but costly."


A Replacement for Health Insurance

         Updated October 13, 2019  Replacement for Health Insurance.pdf

Because our nation is now involved in an intense debate about reforming how we pay for health and medical services, I reviewed and edited a paper I did on the subject in 1995 when I was studying the matter as part of a Ph.D. program.  The paper describes why insurance is inappropriate for most healthcare services and then suggests one of many possible alternative ways to structure paying for services. 

Since the paper is lengthy, I have also included a brief Health Finance Advocacy Statement as well as a biographical statement of my background in healthcare procurement. (Health Finance Bio.pdf.)


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